from creative arts to an embodied and mindful evolution
Karin is a body-mind explorer, embodiment trainer & coach, yogini, meditation teacher, fire walk instructor and storyteller.
She has been teaching yoga and compassion-based mindfulness full-time since 2008. She trains yoga and meditation teachers and in 2014 certified as an Embodied Yoga Principles teacher. This set her off on a journey into embodiment. She is now trainer and coach at Embodiment Unlimited and she teaches people all over the world.
Prior to teaching yoga she worked in the arts, developing & delivering community arts projects promoting social inclusion and community cohesion. She has always worked from a compassionate motivation to make the world a healthy, creative and joyful place for everyone, and making yoga, mindfulness and embodiment accessible to more people. This informs her current thinking in terms of her teaching and practice.
Karin also co-facilitates storytelling and firewalking events for Being Artemis, a company she co-founded with Lee Stagles. Karin also has a Masters of Science degree in Mindfulness Studies and she is a practising Buddhist.

Karin is currently Trainer and Director of Meditation at Embodiment Unlimited. Aside from yoga, she regularly practices Feldenkrais, Hanna Somatics, 5 Rhythms and NIA dance. Karin's own main yoga practices are Scaravelli-inspired yoga and Tibetan Buddhist meditation. She regularly studies with Tibetan Buddhist teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche. She is an active member of Plum Village UK which is built on the Zen Buddhist teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Her personal practice is centred around integrating what she is learning from all her embodied practices into her life and teaching.

Karin's research started with her MSc thesis which studied what yoga and mindfulness can learn from Buddhist and Western psychology and neuroscience. Influences include the work of Rick Hanson and Dan Siegel. In addition, she is exploring what it means to be a socially engaged Buddhist, mindfulness and yoga practitioner in the world today. In this she is particularly inspired by the work of Thich Nhat Hanh and the embodiment movement.

Karin is an accredited British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) teacher trainer, having completed the nationally recognised three-year yoga teacher training as well as specialist meditation modules for yoga teachers and additional teacher training with the BWY to run BWY Foundation Courses and Certificate and Diploma Courses (teacher training). In 2014 Karin completed a Masters of Science degree in Mindfulness Studies at the University of Aberdeen. She is receiving regular supervision through the Mindfulness Association and is trained to teach their Mindfulness Based Living Course. She is qualified to teach Embodied Yoga Principles and she completed the Embodied Facilitator Course in 2017. Yoga teaching influences include Mindfulness Yoga, Vanda Scaravelli, Sandra Sabatini, Ginny Kempster, Maarten Vermaasse, Peter Blackaby, John Stirk, Gary Carter's structural integration approach to yoga and mindfulness meditation practice both from secular traditions and Buddhism including stress reduction and mindfulness based living approaches.
Karin teaches online and in-person, including courses, workshops, training for coaches and facilitators and regular daytime and evening classes for yoga and mindfulness students at any level. She also runs retreat weekends. Karin is an approved British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course tutor and teacher trainer, a senior Embodied Yoga Principles tutor, Trainer and Director of Meditation on the Embodied Facilitator Course and has been an occasional tutor for the Mindfulness Association.
Karin is the Treasurer for the charity Opening Your Heart To Bhutan founded by Tibetan Buddhist nun Emma Slade. The charity helps hundreds of disabled children and young people access education in this small Himalayan Kingdom.